Schaub Team Blog
Big Plans for Cedar: Highlighting the Cedar River Marina Project
Posted by Jamie Jewell on Mar 20 , 2020 - 09:11 am

For nearly three years, Cedar area volunteers along with the Solon Township Board and Solon Township Park have been working with officials, engineers, and regulatory agencies to create a plan known as the Cedar River Marina Project. The plan, approved by the Michigan House and Senate earlier in March, is awaiting signature by Governor Whitmer which would provide supplemental funding for the project and put Cedar on the map as a new recreation destination.
Real Estate Updates
Posted by Jamie Jewell on Mar 16 , 2020 - 11:07 am
Schaub Team gathered this past week to complete the necessary continuing education requirements for our Real Estate licenses with Gwyn Besner of the Acme Institute. Follow are some changes that may be of interest to our readers:
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