Schaub Team Blog

Market Update for Sellers: Q&A with Tim & Roger Schaub

Posted by Jamie Jewell on Sep 30 , 2022 - 11:30 am

One of the most frequent questions we are asked is: “How is the real estate market?” We’ve caught up with Tim and Roger for a regional market update. This month we are focused on the market from the Sellers perspective.

Own Your Future! Open a First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account

Posted by Jamie Jewell on Aug 19 , 2022 - 07:15 am

The Michigan First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account is dedicated to saving for a first-time home purchase. Account holders may deduct most, if not all, of their contributions from their state income tax and tax-free gains on their qualified investments.

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Masterful Design Atop West Bay

Posted by Kim Schneider on Aug 09 , 2022 - 08:46 am

Architect Michael Fitzhugh sought to design a love letter to his home region in this truly magnificent home that wraps together the latest technology in energy efficiency with masterful design. The design draws upon Northern Michigan's landscape and the four elements of the earth as guiding factors. The result is a roomy spa-like home of glass perched like a treehouse over a panorama of Grand Traverse Bay.

Celebrating 20 Years with Tim Schaub

Posted by Jamie Jewell on Jul 15 , 2022 - 08:10 am

Tim Schaub has marked a milestone as he celebrates his 20th anniversary with Schaub Team Premier Realty this July. A Leelanau native, Tim has enjoyed investing in Leelanau County properties.

Tim Schaub Named Among the Red Hot Best Winners 2022

Posted by Jamie Jewell on Jun 16 , 2022 - 07:39 am

Congratulations to Tim Schaub for being named one of the Red Hot Best Winners 2022: The Best of Northern Michigan.

Safeguarding Your Home and Garden from Pests and Animals

Posted by Raymond Web on Jun 15 , 2022 - 10:02 am

Having a beautiful garden adds to the beauty of your home; however, it also invites unwanted animals and pests to your house, and getting rid of them becomes important. Here are some helpful tips to safeguard your home and garden.

Compelling Ideas for Your Home Office

Posted by Seth Murphy, Guest Blogger from on Jun 08 , 2022 - 09:22 am

Working from home gives you the convenience and freedom of organizing your schedules as per your preferences. Even with the freedom, you have to ensure you maximize your productivity. We've outlined some compelling ways to set up your remote workspace.

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