Schaub Team Blog

7 Home Repairs that are too Dangerous to DIY

Posted by Ismirelda Forst on Jan 20 , 2023 - 07:59 am

Making a few home repairs yourself can save you time and money, but certain projects can also come with some serious and often dangerous risks. Specific DIY projects can go wrong, resulting in injury or making the problem worse, which will cost you even more in the long run.

5 Essential Tech Tools for Maintaining and Extending the Life of Your Property

Posted by Rachel Jenna on Dec 13 , 2022 - 11:27 am

Thanks to advancements in technology, it's easier to maintain properties even if you aren't around 24/7. This means that property owners can prevent damages from afar, which enables a return to perfectly-maintained vacation houses each time.

Must-Do Steps to Buy a Home

Posted by Suzie Wilson on Nov 02 , 2022 - 08:01 am

Guest blogger, Suzie Wilson, provides 5 steps to help you buy a home.

Safeguarding Your Home and Garden from Pests and Animals

Posted by Raymond Web on Jun 15 , 2022 - 10:02 am

Having a beautiful garden adds to the beauty of your home; however, it also invites unwanted animals and pests to your house, and getting rid of them becomes important. Here are some helpful tips to safeguard your home and garden.

Compelling Ideas for Your Home Office

Posted by Seth Murphy, Guest Blogger from on Jun 08 , 2022 - 09:22 am

Working from home gives you the convenience and freedom of organizing your schedules as per your preferences. Even with the freedom, you have to ensure you maximize your productivity. We've outlined some compelling ways to set up your remote workspace.

Avoid the Two Mistakes Every First-Time Investor Makes

Posted by Katie Conroy on May 16 , 2022 - 11:37 am

According to research, the average landlord owns three properties. Purchasing your first investment property is an exciting step toward building a portfolio, but many first-time investors are thwarted by simple mistakes. Contrary to popular belief, successful investing requires far more than just capital. It demands business savvy, negotiation skills, and strong market insight. If you lack any of these traits, you’ll likely fall prey to the mistakes that often affect first-time investors. You can avoid this outcome, though, by following these steps when buying and managing an investment property.

Timeless Trends To Welcome Fall Into Your Home

Posted by Karyn Stoops on Sep 29 , 2021 - 10:39 am

Cooler temps and changing leaves are a sure sign that fall is approaching. With a change in seasons comes the desire to prepare a cozy sanctuary with all things comfy and warm. Classic fall favorites can be found at all price points and will not go out of style any time soon. 

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